About US

Welcome to Suggest Me Today, your ultimate platform for earning through article writing! At Suggest Me Today, we empower users to turn their writing passion into profits. Upon creating an account, users gain access to their personalized dashboard, granting them full control over their articles and allowing them to track vital statistics such as article visits and earnings.

Write and Get Paid

Earning with us is both easy and lucrative. Users have the potential to earn up to $15 for every 1000 visits to their articles, with additional opportunities for earnings through our referral program. We understand the importance of timely payments, which is why we prioritize swift withdrawal processing. Withdrawals via PayPal are typically processed within 1 to 12 hours, while Bitcoin withdrawals are processed within 1 to 24 hours of request.

Suggest Me Today warmly welcomes users from all corners of the globe, with each country offering its own unique earning potential. Visit our earnings page to discover the earning rates for every 1000 visits from each country.

As a token of appreciation for joining our platform, new users receive a $2 welcome bonus upon registration. This bonus is credited to their account and can be withdrawn once they reach the minimum withdrawal threshold. You can find details regarding the minimum withdrawal amount on this page.

How Visits are Calculated:

Advertising System:

Our revenue is generated through advertisements displayed on your articles, primarily through Google AdSense.

Join Suggest Me Today today and start monetizing your writing skills like never before!

If you face any problem, please contact us!